Happy Thanksgiving Day ..
Dillards tutup ari ni so ahkak dapatla memanjangkan tido sikit pagi ni. Papa bear kena keje tapi separuh hari aje. Around 12pm .. me keluar kejap to Wal Mart .. nak beli bahan2 for my so call Thanx Giving lunch la konon .. hehe .. gi yang Neighbourhood Market aje cuz malas nak drive all the way to the Super Centre tu. Ari ni temperature drop sgt .. so sejak malam tadi lagi dah sejuk. I think around 41F degrees la kot and petang tadi sempat la tengok snow kejap. Try to take the pic tapi tak clear la.
baru pukul 12 tghari .. tapi very the gloomy n cold
masa nak gi WalMart .. sempat ambik gambar ni ..
My in laws ada lunch gathering kat rumah diaorg tapi memandangkan papa bear keje so we all tak balik to Wichita Falls to celebrate with them. So to give my husband the feel of Thanx Giving lunch .. me roast the chicken, with mushroom sauce, meditteranean salad, garlic herb potatos n Better Than S*x cake for dessert. Not bad kan .. bila dah duduk kat sini .. kena la pandai create sendiri memandangkan bukan senang nak cari halal food kan.
While having our food, (depan TV) .. sambil menonton football. The Cowboys playing against the New York Jets at Dallas and guess what .. the boys won again today .. yeahhhh .. go cowboys! Oh btw, Dallas Cowboys ni memang selalu play during Thanx Giving Day in Dallas. According to papa bear .. its the American tradition ..
Thats how we celebrated our 1st Thanx Giving in Dallas .. not bad at all ...
Happy Thanksgiving Rosie & Papa Bear !!!! I pung selebate 1st time thanksgiving kat states with DMG friend at their place. Lepas tu drive down to Boston to selebrate DMG cousin birthday lak on 24 Nov.. penat sungguh ...
mak ooiiii makan ati aciks nengok haa lajat idak terkata nyum...nyum....pungkok pun jadik laahhh ahahhahhaha
cute nye yur decor. baper ekor ayam yg menjadi kurban? ehheheeh
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